Carolina Soto
Executive Director of PlanBIM, CORFO –Product Promotion Corporation, a program by Chile’s Government that promotes BIM utilization at public projects. Since 2015 she has been the leader of this initiative and has as her main goal to improve the digitalization of the construction industry at a national level. At the present time she is President of the BIM Network of Latin American Governments. Architect by Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile and Master of Science in Design and Computation by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Has worked in the development and application of digital technology in the Construction industry of Chile and the United States, with a specific approach in BIM and its characteristics. She’s also taught about these new technologies and has done researches revolving this and other digital technologies with MIT and Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile among others.
Es arquitecta por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y tiene un Master of Science en Design and Computation del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Ha trabajado en el desarrollo y en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la industria de la construcción en Chile y Estados Unidos, centrándose particularmente en BIM y en los estándares para el trabajo a través de esta metodología. Además, ha enseñado e investigado sobre estas y otras tecnologías digitales en diversas universidades, incluyendo MIT y la Pontificia Universidad Católica, entre otras.